Hiring & Retaining Diverse Talent in Tech

The need for diversity in the tech sector is growing far faster than the industry’s actual diversity indicators. It’s common to talk about racial and gender equality while discussing diversity and inclusion. However, it goes beyond simply these two divisions. Disability, neurodiversity, LGBTQ, cultural, and socioeconomic diversity are just a few examples of the numerous topics that need inclusion in any discussion on diversity and inclusion.

Even though 76% of job searchers desire to work for diverse organizations, white individuals hold 62% of tech employment in America, and over 83% of tech sector leaders are white. While the lack of talent diversity is a concern for most businesses, the situation is direr when it comes to tech talent. For instance, in 2021, there were 15% fewer women in first-level managerial jobs than in other non-technical occupations and 14% fewer women in entry-level engineering or product positions. Similarly, according to research, just 4.5% of software engineers are Black employees, who make up 13% of the labor force.

The importance of diversity in the tech industry stems from the fact that for businesses, having a more diverse workforce may have enormous advantages, including access to more talent, better revenues, and a more appealing employer brand. Any organization with significant technological objectives should make addressing the diversity opportunity in technical talent—inclusive of socioeconomic, educational, and neurodiversity—a key component of its talent strategy. Businesses that have a diversified senior leadership team perform better than their rivals and are more effective at luring top personnel. This is because the highly sought-after technical talent, will often refuse a job offer or not even apply to companies it perceives as noninclusive.

Companies cannot afford to skip any steps as they struggle to attract and retain skilled expertise. Yet they have taken their time to broaden the skill pools they draw from when hiring technical personnel. Recognizing when prejudice enters the hiring process should make it easier for organizations to establish a fair playing field for candidates. People have a natural tendency to choose the well-known and the alternative that seems to be the safest. Because of this, hiring managers frequently choose applicants who are most like them over those who are most fit for the position. It is a sad truth that people can get discriminated against because of their ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, handicap, or religious views. When it comes to hiring diverse staff, a lot of companies are pledging to change their practices and demonstrating sincere aspiration to do better. The process of hiring new personnel is where it all begins.

The world is improving thanks to technology, yet it still has trouble finding diverse IT talent. Diversity hasn’t gotten taken into account when employing new employees for thousands of years. Despite recent progress, there are still gender and racial disparities in almost every industry, particularly in technology.

According to the head of people at San Francisco-based software company Clockwise, Alexis Fleckenstein, despite all the successes internet businesses have had, their performance in terms of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), has been subpar. She claims that when businesses treat diversity and inclusion as an afterthought, it not only scares away talent but may also have a terrible effect on their present workers. In her own words, she said, “It can be so deeply lonely to be the one that stands out in a homogenous workplace. Nobody wants to feel like they can’t see anyone that looks like them on the C-suite team, that they can’t see themselves on a leadership trajectory, or that their managers can’t see where they’re coming from.” Fleckenstein believes that focusing on DEI entails more than merely improving the diversity measures used in the IT sector. The goal is to provide a setting where everyone may feel heard, seen, and have a shot at success. The greatest place to begin is by hiring diverse candidates.

An organization’s notion of diversity may get developed across the board by educating its employees on what diversity and inclusion mean to the business. This will establish a norm for the workplace and provide your staff with a better grasp of the company’s stance on diversity and inclusion. When marketing the corporate brand, make sure to emphasize the firm’s dedication to fostering an inclusive environment. One of the best ways of diversifying the tech talent pool is by creating methods to broaden the IT talent pool.


A diverse staff will provide you with an edge when it comes to eliminating bias throughout the interview process in the form of a more varied recruiting panel because a company’s culture may have gotten built in its initial days. The applicant’s experience gets enhanced by a varied panel that makes sure no candidates get passed over. Additionally, it improves the viewpoint of your company and makes it feasible for fair criticism. Recruits frequently inquire about business culture at recruitment fairs. Prospective workers want to feel comfortable working there. This is why companies need to make diversity part of their culture. If recruits don’t feel appreciated or as if they belong on the team, the advantages of hiring diverse people may seem lost. Retention has gotten improved by several approaches, like; educating decision-making on cooperative problem-solving, particularly for personnel managers, technical leads, and product managers. Recruiters should be able to talk intelligently about the firm’s diversity and inclusion programs.

When trying to keep diverse staff, it’s important to consider crucial issues such as paying attention to factors like work-life balance, chances to grow and learn, proper reward, and sufficient management support. Another great way of retaining employees is involving them in diversity policies by encouraging participation from all team members.

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